

1. bad money:无利可图的钱

2. bank money:银行票据

3. blood money:抚恤金

4. boot money:企业赞助体育的钱

6. cheap money:低息借款

6. cheap money:息借款

7. dear money:高息借款

8. dark money:加班费

9. earnest money:定金

10. fairy money:捡的钱


1. 钱乃万事之神灵:

Money is a master of the gods.

2. 财富是美德的包袱:

Wealth is the burden of virtue.

3. 人没钱就像弓没箭。

People don“t have money like a bow without an arrow.

3. 人没钱就像弓没箭:::

My name is money, but I do not love money.

4. 我姓钱,但我不爱钱;:

No money impregnability of fort.